

The Nairobi-Entebbe flight was shorter and so less horrible. It was well-equipped with vomit bags, which I made use of.

I couldn't fully enjoy the drive from Entebbe to Kampala, because I was sleepy and sick. Luckily, I had kept a vomit bag in stock from the plane; I made use of that.

We checked in to our hotel, and I made use of the bed and toilet extensively. By midnight, the vomiting stopped. And so I learned my first lesson: do not eat steak and kidney pies.

That was Saturday/Sunday; I'm still not feeling my usual perky self, but I am up and about. I am at one of the university's three new computer labs. Wouldn't you know it, they're keen on Ubuntu Linux! I just met with the dean and IT staff, and it looks like there is unlimited opportunity for fun, educational, useful work in my field.

I have met some fascinating Canadians here, too. At dinner last night, I heard countless amazinging stories involving Idi Amin, UNICEF, and the progress made in the past twenty years. And while I've been uselessly sleeping off my illness, I've been secured a spot in the university's guest house (at least until March). I get my own room and mosquito net, a fan, and a 1:3 bathroom:guest ratio for US$10/night, plus breakfast for US$3 if I desire. Outside the guest house, one can find a cat, a dog, a few bugs, and a whole bunch of monkeys.

My time grows short. There will be more stories and less vomiting in my next blog entry.